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Benefits of Alkaline Water for your Baby

It is a summer morning and at the moment you find out that you are facing the arrival of a new member of the family. Like all women, faced with this news, we are concerned that our body is prepared so that our child is healthy at birth. We go to the doctor / gynecologist and from now on we carry out all the tests to make sure that our body is in perfect condition to give way to childbirth. However, there are few mothers who do not think about the importance of the quality of water we drink on or before becoming pregnant. Recent studies indicate that children of women exposed to contaminated drinking water during pregnancy are more likely to be born prematurely, or with low birth weight, and to experience lifelong cognitive difficulties.

Imagine taking all your vitamins with water exposed to chlorine, lead and other heavy metals found in drinking water. My sister Lisa discovered that one of the causes of her reflux in the early stages in her first trimester was due to the water she consumed every morning on an empty stomach. Lisa, I remember, switched to drinking bottled water and within a few weeks of some improvement she was back to discomfort. A few tests and a lot of research on the subject told him that bottled water contained a lot of plastics that could also harm your baby.

Bottled water releases a large amount of microplastics and, if exposed to heat, releases large toxins that are harmful to human health and even more so to the baby that is developing. Global research reveals the presence of plastic in human placentas, which scientists described as "a matter of great concern." Previous laboratory research with human placentas donated by postpartum mothers has also shown that Styrofoam particles can cross the placental barrier. Microplastic pollution has reached every corner of the planet, it is already known that people consume the tiny particles through food, air and water.

Professor Phoebe Stapleton, from Rutgers University, who led the rat research, said: "We find plastic nanoparticles everywhere: in maternal tissues, in the placenta and in fetal tissues. We find them in the heart, the brain, lungs, liver, and kidney of the fetus.

So given this information, Lisa today has a water quality system in her home. And of course, from Cyber ​​Water System. Today Mathew is a healthy baby with no problems and we hope that the neglect of the first trimester will not be detrimental to his health, he still needs to grow and we hope he will be a child with no physical and cognitive problems in the future. By: IMT, Cyber ​​Water System Informative Blogger

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